I like to read some story-based Subreddits, like /r/TalesFromTechSupport, but also don\’t like having to go to the Reddit app (well, Apollo) specifically to read these stories because I end up missing them. As it turns out, Reddit does publish RSS feeds for Subreddits, at https://www.reddit.com/r/<subreddit>/new/.rss?sort=new</subreddit>. I\’ve added this to my RSS reader and new […]
I was digging through some old belongings when I pulled out the laptop that I had during my 4th and final years at uni (I did an integrated MEng, so my degree took 5 years including a year in industry). I got pretty excited because I hoped that it would have the source code for […]
Part One It\’s been a bit longer than I would have liked between the first post and this one, but life has a habit of getting in the way. In my last post, I created a skeleton interpreter that could read very basic programs: we could PRINT, and use GO TO to jump to a […]
After checking my website on mobile, I realised that I\’d made a mistake, and included a pretty bad colour contrast issue on the page: So I took to Google, and discovered that I could use the -webkit-text-stoke CSS property (MDN Documentation), which will add a border to the characters. It\’s well-supported, despite using the -webkit […]
One of the things I struggle with the most is note-taking: I can’t do it during meetings because then I’m distracted by the writing and not, you know, participating. So I end up not doing it at all, and then I have absolutely no record of what was said and often forget things. So I’m going to set out a simple strategy that will hopefully improve my note taking and information retention.