I’ve decided to move my blog to Wordpress for ease-of-use and in an attempt to spend less time configuring things. So far, that’s not really been the case, but hopefully it will be in the future.
I decided to migrate my blog to WordPress, for the simple reason that I was finding updating Markdown files manually a headache, and I want to be able to write on devices that aren’t my laptop. But first I had to move my content over – so I used the WordPress REST API to copy […]
Given my new website design, I figured I’d also have a go at making an interpreter for Sinclair BASIC so that I can run my own ZX Spectrum programs. I’ve got a few aims: Create something that can properly parse Sinclair BASIC Run the interpreted software in the browser Allow user input What this isn’t […]
It’s time for a new website layout. My previous one sort of evolved over a year of messing around and not quite finding something I was happy with. I didn’t really feel like it represented me. I’ve always been a fan of ZX Spectrums, despite them coming a bit before my time. I picked up […]
Given the drive to move all of my content into one place and syndicate it to other networks, I decided that I’d also try out doing microblog-style posts with Eleventy. Before I could do that, I needed to add a CMS (there’s no way I’m manually adding Markdown files everytime I want to post a […]