A little while ago, I brought my blog to the Fediverse. This was a fun experiment which resulted in me turning my Netlify-hosted blog into an instance. Now, you can do (some of that) too! I’ve built an Eleventy plugin: eleventy-plugin-activity-pub. You can include this in your .eleventy.js file to generate a simple actor & […]
Spoilers for Advent of Code below Day five All Advent of Code posts Source Day six was a nice, welcome break from the struggle I had yesterday. Part one Given a set of characters relaying a message, find the index of packet start signal, which comes after the first four unique characters. So if my […]
Spoilers for Advent of Code below Day four All Advent of Code posts Source Today was the first day that I can definitely say that I struggled to get the task done. Part one The brief sounded fairly simple. Given a list of "stacks" of boxes (represented by a character), and a set of instructions […]
Spoilers for Advent of Code below Day three All Advent of Code posts Source Day four was probably the quickest for me to complete – but mostly because the other days had primed me pretty well for this kind of task and I’d been reading about using HashSet the night before. Part one Given set […]
Spoilers for Advent of Code below Day two All Advent of Code posts Source Day three, checked off ✅. I’m rapidly closing in on a high score here (although that’s only Day 4, so it’s a very low bar). This wasn’t too much of a challenge either, the IterTools crate gave me some useful helpers […]