Blog posts

  1. You can be friends with my blog

    Like almost everyone else it seems, I’ve opened a Mastodon account. When reading about the standard that Mastodon is built on, ActivityPub, I had an idea: why not try and implement some of it with Netlify functions. Resources and being discoverable To get me started, I read a couple of posts on the Mastodon blog: […]
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  2. Adding comments to my blog

    Yet more Eleventy-related things! I like to have a central place where people can interact with my posts if they wanted to. Right now, that place is Twitter, but it’s sort of imploding at the minute and I’m unsure if I want to keep using it as much moving forward. So, the easiest thing for […]
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  3. Okay now I actually have Open Graph images

    Two days ago, I wrote that I had added statically-generated Open Graph images, and technically this was the truth. With one minor issue: they didn’t work on Twitter! Luckily, the Eleventy twitter account came to the rescue and posted some links to more resources around generating these – particularly, a post from Zach Leatherman on […]
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  4. Adding statically-generated Open Graph images

    Open Graph images are what websites such as Twitter choose to display when showing a preview to a page. There are plenty of ways to generate these dynamically – like using Netlify Edge Functions, for one. But recently somebody posted a plugin they’d built the Eleventy Discord server, which gives the ability to create (fairly […]
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  5. Handling file uploads and failures with Express

    Another little snippet to remind myself later. If I want to handle uploading files via a form with enctype="multipart/form-data", I need to include a third-party library. In this case, Multer is the best choice. The usage is pretty simple. At it’s most basic: import express from 'express'; import multer from 'multer'; import path from 'node:path'; […]
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