Now I’m back in Eleventy-land, I thought I’d give WebC a go. For those unaware, it’s a templating language that generates Web Components, complete with asset bundling. But unlike regular Web Components, you can build things that aren’t completely reliant on Javascript. Because WebC is server-side rendered initially, you can provide fallback elements that will […]
The eagle-eyed among you will notice that my website’s had a slight refresh – and by that I mean I got bored of that ZX Spectrum theme roughly 45 seconds after publishing it. I’ve also switched back to Eleventy! I’m still using WordPress though, because I didnt’ want to migrate. I did, however, want to […]
I registered for my first ever cycling event over the weekend. I was thinking about a duathlon/triathlon, but as I\’m not much of a runner or swimmer I thought purely cycling would be the best thing for me. So I registered for the Salford – Blackpool 100k. I’ll be doing it to raise money for […]